Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Upcoming AP Meetings

We have a great start to our 2009 Activity Calendar!

January 11 - AP's Choice - Ice Skating! 1p - NEW DATE!!! Meet at the Bellevue Square ice rink!
February ?? - Lion King
March 15 - Underground Tour
April 19 - Trip to the Tulip Fields - all day event (10a until about 4p)
May 17 - Trip to the Ocean (Westport) + CEP Spring Program -- all day event! Meet at 9:30am
June 21 - Baseball Game (date may be changed, depending upon tickets...)
July - Annual CCAP White Water Rafting Trip
August - Trip to Mt. Rainier - all day event
September tbd - UW Football Game

I'll keep working on the other ideas that came up! Here is the list of the other ideas that we are looking into:
  • Going out to eat
  • Space Needle
  • Eating at the Space Needle
  • Cabins, or camping
  • Gallery Walk
  • Mt. Rainier
  • Skiing
  • Going out to eat
  • Festivals around town
  • Music
  • Boat Trip - Argosy - around the sound
  • Karaoke
  • Guitar Hero competition
  • Picnic & BBQ
  • Rock Climbing
  • Balloon Flight
  • Trip to Portland
  • Going out to eat
  • Trip to Bellingham & Leavenworth

Monday, December 15, 2008

Talking to You: Holiday Focus

People often ask for my advice for appropriate gift-giving for families and au pairs during the holidays. While gift cards, photo albums, an extra vacation day, or a picture frame are all great gifts, one of the best gifts a host family can give their au pair during the holiday season is the gift of clarity.

With all of the school vacation time, travel, family engagements, and holiday traditions, it can oftentimes be difficult for the au pairs to understand when their work day begins and ends. It’s so important for families and au pairs to sit down before the official holiday games begin and make very clear what the “holiday hours” will be.

In addition to clarifying hours, it’s also important for families to clarify what activities or events the au pair is asked to be a part of as part of her role as the au pair and what activities or events she is invited to be a part of as a member of the family. Without this clarity, there can often be misunderstandings and hurt feelings. The holidays are a wonderful time of the year and can be the highlight of an au pair’s experience. Taking this important step can help to keep the season bright!

Note: for new families, Nat is one of the VP's from Cultural Care, and often will send out her thoughts on different topics. I try to post as often as they make sense for the HF's and AP's