Ok. So - cell phones may just be what the the world revolves around. Or maybe, at least the center of the universe for anyone over 14. However, the rules of cell phone engagement are different in the US compared to the rest of the world. So - according to Viivi, here they are - in no particular order:
Texting - you can't do unlimited texting - it actually can cost alot in the US. You actually have to pay (use minutes) if someone is texting you here. Some cell plans can add unlimited texting - talk to your HF about adding a text plan if you need it.
Calls - you pay for both incoming and outgoing calls. Back at home, it was only the outgoing calls that we paid for. This can cost a lot of minutes if you aren't careful.
Calls from home - they should call the home phone, not your cell phone. The home phone is free (basically) and won't cost anything for an incoming call...
Home phone - if you are home, use the your HF phone for calls - it doesn't cost like your cell phone will. They pay a flat rate for having the phone, and local calls are free. Some plans make US long distance pretty cheap, so check with your HF about that too.
Voice mail - Set up your voice mail box and leave a message "Hi, this is Viivi.." and know how to pick up your voice mail. In the US, everyone leaves messages for you, so know how to access the VM on your phone.
Contact List - many HF's just pass down a cell phone from AP to AP. Be sure they have helped to program in all of the most important numbers into the phone. Doctor, dentist, school office, all parent contact numbers, and more...
If you have to get your own phone, think about what you need. There are two ways to get phones in the US. You can sign up with a major carrier, and get a phone and a plan. If you do a lot of calling, this may be the way to go. You'll have to sign a one-year contract, but since you are here for a year, it may work out.There are also pre-paid phones that you can get. Get the phone, and then purchase pre-paid cards from retailers to restock the phone with minutes. Convenient, and pay as you go, but it usually winds up being a lot more expensive than other plans.
And, once you have a phone, remember to let your LCC know your number, along with your family - so they can get ahold of you!
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