Monday, April 28, 2008

Question: Who is responsible to get the AP to school?

So, there is so much information - that sometimes it is hard to get through it all. One of the main things that au pairs get to do is to go to school while they are here in the US. Each au pair is required to take 6 credits - or 72 classroom hours - during the year they are here.

It is the responsibility of a host family to pay for up to $500 of tuition, books and supplies towards the educational requirement. A host family is also responsible to get the au pair to and from their classes during the year. That can be by driving them to and from class, or letting them use the car to get to class. Giving bus fare doesn't count - they have to provide the transportation to get to and from the class (as well as their monthly meetings).

The other transportation responsibility of the host family is to get the au pair to the monthly au pair meetings (sign in meetings).

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