Wednesday, May 21, 2008


It was dark, dang and dingy. And it was tons of fun! The story of the Seattle underground is one of greed, loose women, and toilets with attitudes. Luckily, it is also a lot of fun... We learned a lot about Seattle history, toilets, and why Seattle is the way it is. For those who couldn't make it - you missed out!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

River Rafting Rocks!

I've heard from a few of you, but will everyone please let me know a yes or no as to whether you will be attending? Host families are welcome to join in this fun day, and children over the age of 12 are welcome as well!

We will be on June 21, 2008. You may have heard what a great meeting this is. Many say it's the best meeting of the year - but I need to hear from you NOW if you want to attend! Checks will be due to me on May 15th.

Here are the details:The meeting is open to au pairs and any member of their host families. Children 12 and over are allowed to attend. We will need several drivers/cars to get everyone over to Leavenworth, so if you are a host parent and would like to go, please let me know.

This meeting includes the Eastside and all Seattle groups.

9:45a Meet at the Bothell Park and ride
10:00a We will leave promptly at 10a for Leavenworth
1:00p - 5:30p Lunch and river rafting
6:00p - 8:00p Dinner in Leavenworth
10:00p Return (to the Bothell Park and Ride)

Cost is $60.00 per person (includes the cost of life jacket, wetsuit, booties, etc.) In addition, everyone not driving will be asked to give $8.00 towards gas to the driver of their car to offset gas prices.

The website can be found at: - check it out and let me know if you would like to attend!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


So, finding a decent doctor is hard. Finding a decent doctor who takes Erika Insurance is another. There is a great doctor in Bellevue who sees a lot of au pairs. Dr. Hanson is pretty good, easy to get into, and easy to speak with. Consider giving her a call when you need a doc.

Dr. Gwen Hanson
Rockwood Office Park
1409 140th Place NE, Suite 106
Bellevue, 98007

Urgent Care - for Au Pair:

When you don't have time for the doctor, you may need to go to urgent care. The best clinics that I like are in Issaquah. There are two off of I-90 in Issaquah - one off of Front Street, and one off of the Costco exit (#15 - that is the Swedish urgent care). Neither take Erika (I've tried) - but they are fast and easy to deal with.

Emergency Room - for Au Pair:

I recommend Evergreen in Kirkland (#1) and then Overlake in Bellevue. Yes - Overlake is closer, but I have a preference for Evergreen since they have such a great ER team of physicians... and yes, my dad being an ED doc does influence this.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Seafair 2008

For over 50 years, Seattlites have been celebrating Seafair in the Northwest. A month-long celebration that includes parades, lots to eat, fireworks, and more is capped with a weekend of hyroplane races and performances by the Blue Angels. And, no matter where you are in the area, this is THE celebration of summer.

A not so complete list of events (my picks in BOLD):
June 29, 2008: VM Team Medicine Seafair Marathon
July 4 - 6: 32nd Annual Lake Union Wooden Boat Festival, at the South end of Lake Union
July 5, 2008: Allstate Milk Carton Derby at Seafair at Greenlake, 10a - 4p
July 5, 2008:
Seafair Pirate Landing, Alki Beach in West Seattle (
July 6: Hispanic Seafair Organization, Seattle Center, 11a - 6p
July 10-13: Kent Cornucopia Days, Downtown Kent
July 12-13: Mercer Island Summer Celebration!
12th - at Luther Burbank Park on Mercer Island from 10a - 7p, with fireworks at dark
12th - Parade, Downtown Mercer Island at 10a
13th - downtown Mercer Island from 10a - 5p
July 12: Redmond Derby Days, Redmond City Hall, 10a - 10p
July 12-13: Seattle's Chinatown-International District Festival 2008, Hing Hay Park, 10a - 6p
July 12: Wallingford Seafair Kiddie Parade & Street Fair, Wallingford Avenue between 43rd and 45th, from 10a - 6p, Parade at 11a
July 17-20: Kla Ha Ya Days, Downtown Snohomish; Parade on the 19th at 11a
July 18-20: 23rd Annual Seafair Indian Days Pow Wow, Daybreak Indian Culture Center at Discovery Park
July 18-20: Kirkland Uncorked, Marina Park in Kirkland
July 19-20: Seattle Bon Odori, Seattle Buddhist Church, 1427 S Main Street, Seattle
July 19: The Crown of Queen Anne Fun Run, Walk & Children's Parade, Parade at 11a
July 19: West Seattle Hi-Yu Parade, California Avenue (at Lander) in West Seattle, Kid Parade at 10:30a and Parade at 11a
July 20, 2008: Benaroya Research Institute Triathlon at Seafair, at Seward Park, 7a (register here if you want to participate)
July 20: Chinatown Seafair Parade, International District in Seattle, 7p (come and cheer on the families with children from China!!)
July 23: Greenwood Seafair Parade, Parade at 6p
July 23, 25-27: IKEA Renton River Days, Liberty Park in Renton
July 24-27: Tour de Terrace, Mountlake Terrace, 4p - 6p
July 25-27: Covington Days Festival, Covington Multicare Clinic
July 26, 2008: Wells Fargo Torchlight Run at Seafair, at Qwest Field, 6:30p (register here if you want to participate)
July 26, 2008: Southwest Airlines Torchlight Parade at Seafair, Downtown on 4th Avenue, 7:30p
July 26-27: Ballard SeafoodFest, eat your way to happiness in downtown Ballard
July 27: McDonald's presents Pista Sa Nayon, celebrate Filipino Americans at Seward Park Amphitheater, 9a - 8p
July 30 - August 3 - Fleet Arrival and Tours, Pier 90
August 1-3, 2008: Chevrolet Cup at Seafair, South Lake Washington (see website for times)
August 1-3, 2008:
KeyBank Air Show at Seafair presented by Boeing, South Lake Washington (see website for times)
August 2: Concert and Fireworks Show, South Lake Washington
August 16-17: Central Area Community Festival & Parade

English Classes

Redmond Public Library is offering FREE ESL classes on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1-3p. The class is coordinated by Cascadia College, which is accredited, so if you take the class, the hours will count. Just be sure to get a certificate with the hours!

Monthly AP Meetings

Hi All,

I'm trying to get us organized for the rest of the year, and wanted to remind you about the monthly au pair meetings. These are mandatory meetings for attendance, however, if you cannot make it for some reason, please contact me and we'll work something out for your sign-in.

For the most part, you can plan on having our events on the 3rd Sunday of each month, unless I list otherwise.

We have some great events coming up. Check out what we are doing:
May 18 - Underground Tour
June 15 - River Rafting
July 13 - Potluck Picnic (note: date change)
August 17 - TBD - have an idea? Let me know!
September 21 - All CCAP AP/Host Family Picnic at Marymoor Park
October 19 - Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maze
November 16 - Thanksgiving
December 14 - Christmas cookie exchange! (note: date change)

Underground Tour

Well, it's official. Our next AP gathering is going to be on Sunday, May 18th. We will meet at 12p at my home in Seattle, and at 12:45p outside the Underground Tour in Pioneer Square in Seattle.

We will take the 1p tour, and be done by 2p. Bring any friends who want to come along. However - I need a final count no later than Friday, the 16th! So let me know if you want to come on this fun tour! Cost is $14 for an adult, or $12 if you have a college ID (BCC, student ID from your home country, etc).

Friday, May 2, 2008


While we are more known for clouds and rain, we have some great pools around. Here is a list for Eastsiders to know about:

Bellevue City Municipal Pool - indoor, heated, lessons
Phantom Lake Club (Bellevue) - outdoor, not heated, lessons
Samena Club (Bellevue) - indoor, heated, lessons
Kirkland City Municipal Pool - outdoor, not heated, lessons
Issaquah City Municipal Pool - indoor, not heated, lessons
Northwest Center runs multiple indoor pools - Juanita (Kirkland), Redmond, Bothell and Mercer Island

Kirkland, Phantom Lake and other outdoor pools are only open in the summer. Everyone else has public swimming time and lessons year round. My personal favorite for indoor is the Bellevue pool, since you can hang out in the theraputic pool which is toasty warm. Favorite outdoor is the Kirkland City pool.

And, if you are looking for an adventure, I would not count out the Great Wolf Lodge!


Where to find great online maps:

There are also great maps locally available, if you like a printed out version. Hit up your local grocery store, and you should find them near the check out lanes. While printed maps may be passe, they give you a lay of the land, and let you get to know where it is that you are now living.

The Bus

It seems that in the US, it is all about cars. Well, Americans do seem to have a love affair with the car, but the Bellevue/Seattle area is a great place to get around by bus.

Rates are low, there are often close stops or transit stations, and it is much easier to get around - and frankly, cheap compared to the current cost of gas. King County offers a great online trip planner for using the buses. It allows you to in put your current location, and where you are going to - and decide if you want to get there through less walking, shortest trip, or fewest transfers. Check it out!