Friday, June 20, 2008

Monthly AP Meetings

Hi All,

I'm trying to get us organized for the rest of the year, and wanted to remind you about the monthly au pair meetings. These are mandatory meetings for the AP's to attend and you should make sure that you and your HF have them scheduled. In some cases, I am able to work something out for your sign-in.

Our events are usually on the 3rd Sunday of each month. Here is what we have coming:

Check out what we are doing:
July 13 - Potluck Picnic (note: date change)
August 17 - TBD - have an idea? Let me know!
September 21 - All CCAP AP/Host Family Picnic at Marymoor Park
October 19 - Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maze
November 16 - Thanksgiving
December 14 - Christmas cookie exchange! (note: date change)
January 18 - AP's to choose and plan event!!!
February 19 -
March 15 -
April 19 -

Everyone - please note! The AP's will choose and plan our January event! Let me know what you need, and I can help!

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