Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Overview of Erika Insurance

Okay. So CCAP has a partnership with Aetna, and that is who our insurance is through. The best doctors for you to see are ones who take Aetna insurance. To find doctors in your area, to go:

Once you get there, do this:
  1. Go to the "Not Yet enrolled in an Aetna Plan"
  2. click on DocFind
  3. Select search by zip code and enter state
  4. Select a type of provider by chosing "People and Places" and select either primary doctor, specialist, or hosptial
  5. Select a Plan type - under "Aetna Standard Plan" select "Open Choice PPO"
  6. Select "Search Criteria" and click on "view search results now" and then click "continue"
They make it so easy.

Of course, this is an American health plan (for refernce, watch the documentary Sicko...) so there are exclusions to the plan:
  • Routine check-ups, physicals, or immunizaitons
  • Pre-existing conditions
  • Risky sports (anything my old AP tried, apparently....)
  • Alcohol and narcotics
  • Injuries sustained in a criminal act (although, that will be the least of the worries is not having insurance coverage if you are caught robbing a bank...)

And there are also some limitations, which actually aren't all that bad compared to most plans:

  • Mental health disorders ($1000 max)
  • Non-accidental dental treatments ($200 max, only with those who have extended insurance)

Claim Forms were in your welcome packet that your host family has. They are also on your intranet that you have access to. If you need to be reimbursed for something, the claim form must be filled out and sent to Chickering. In addition, the AP must send all receipts, itemized bills, police reports (if they exist) and any other relevant information. If you have questions regarding your policy or a claim, call Chickering at 800-783-7447.

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